Our Values

Alongside our mission and vision, our values as an organisation are very important to us and we try to embody them in all that we do.

Our Values

We are bold in imagining, communicating and creating an alternative version of the world, by tackling the connectivity of different elements of the system we wish to change. We trust in the lived experience of our young people and we co-create insight-led solutions and we are dynamic in driving progress. We have the best interest of our young people at heart and take a person-centred approach to everything we do.


We are innovative, positive and optimistic about creating an alternative future.


We know that action speaks louder than words and we are motivated by progress and achieving lasting


We understand how the different elements of the system we are here to change are interconnected and work
to tackle the bigger


We put young people at the
centre of all we do and we know that to achieve system change
we need to start by
changing people’s
hearts and


Our solutions are evidence-based, data driven and based on real-life insights.

Trust based

We believe in people’s lived experiences and are allies to our young people and
corporate partners.

Our Organisational Values

We have set out how our values play out in terms of how we operate as an organization here.

  • The Brokerage opened my eyes to a world of different opportunities that I could not have found on my own.

    Fast Track Candidate