The Brokerage Insider Careers Conference, 16 November 2023

The Brokerage Insider Career Conference

Hosted by Quilter, Senator House, 85 Queen Victoria St, London EC4V 4AB

The Brokerage Insider Career Conference, hosted by Quilter on Thu 16 November 2023 is an all day event where Brokerage candidates will develop their knowledge and skills as well as meeting potential future employers.


Your help will be essential to making this event the best it can be.

Volunteers do not need to be available for the entire day. There are volunteering activities throughout the day and volunteers from invited partners are asked to put themselves forward for one or more time slots.

The three activities you can volunteer to help with can be found below. Although activities are related to recruitment, you do not have to be an HR or recruitment professional to volunteer. Anyone with professional experience will have the knowledge and experience needed to help.

There is also a networking lunch, 12.30pm-1.30pm which volunteers are welcome to join.

Please note: volunteer numbers are limited and we reserve the right to close volunteer sign up early if we are over subscribed.

Volunteering activities:

  • 9.30am – 10.45am CVs and cover letters
    Volunteers will work with small groups of students to review example CVs and cover letters against a job description, and guide them through what makes for a strong CV/cover letter. Example materials will be provided by The Brokerage.
    Download a volunteer brief here.


  • 11am – 12.15pm Mock interviews
    Volunteers will act as interviewers, working with a small group of students to provide a mock interview experience (1 volunteer per 2-3 students).
    Volunteers will pose questions to the students and provide tailored feedback on their performance. Interview materials, including questions and guidance on providing feedback, will be provided by The Brokerage.
    Download a volunteer brief here.


  • 12.30pm-1.30pm Networking lunch


  • 1.45pm – 3pm Business case study
    Volunteers will act as assessors, observing a team of students as they work together on a business case study and design a presentation (2 volunteers per 4-6 students). Volunteers will then watch all teams deliver their presentations, before providing tailored feedback on the students’ performance. Materials, including the case study and guidance on providing feedback, will be provided by The Brokerage.
    Download a volunteer brief here.


Sign up to volunteer for one or more of the sessions: Click here

  • The Brokerage is truly a life-changing organisation. I think I can confidently say that without The Brokerage I would not have begun a career in the insurance sector.

    Brokerage Mentee